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Tarangire National Park

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    • Feel The Thrill And Adventure.
    • Witness The Best Part Of Safari.
    • Make Memories For Life Time.

Tarangire National Park is one of the most popular safari destinations in Africa. Covering a total area of 2,850 sq. km, the park is located in Tanzania’s Manyara region. It was established in 1970 and got its name from the Tarangire River. The river crosses the park and is also a major source of water for animals in the park. Tarangire National Park’s landscape is mainly made up of swamps, river valleys, and ridges.

The park is famously known for its high concentration of elephants and baobab trees. From June to November, expect to see big numbers of wildebeests, zebras, and buffaloes. Giraffes, Impala, Grant’s gazelles, vervet monkeys, olive baboons, eland, lion, leopards, African wild dogs, and cheetahs are present and can be spotted while on safari in the park. Tarangire National Park is home to over 550 bird species. Notable birds in the park include Red and Yellow Barbet, northern pied babbler, ashy starting, and Tawny eagle among others.

With so much to offer to tourists, here are the major things to do in Tarangire National Park; Day Game drives Night game drives Walking tours Tarangire balloon safaris Bird watching

Major ways to get to Tarangire National Park are by road and air transport. By road, Arusha town is usually the starting point for most travelers. It is approximately 140km from the park and takes about 3 hours to get there. By air, you can fly to Kilimanjaro International Airport and connect to the park through Arusha town. Planning to visit Tanzania for a wildlife safari in Tarangire national park, we at Advent Travel Center will be more than happy to organize for you self drive safari or driver-guided tour. Simply simply contact us now by sending an email to or call us now on +254-713510387 to speak with the reservations team.

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