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Lake Manyara

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    • Tanzania's Top Safari Destinations
    • Adventure And Thrill At A Time.
    • Make Memories For Life Time.

With diverse landscapes ranging from vast plains to beautiful mountainsides, Lake Manyara National Park is a delightful safari destination. It is located in northern Tanzania, between Lake Manyara and the Great Rift Valley. The park covers an area of 325 sq. km and this includes a large lake surface which occupies 230 sq. km. In the 1920s, the area around Lake Manyara was used for hunting. It was later established as a game reserve in 1957 and upgraded to a national park in 1960. The park borrows its name from Lake Manyara.

Lake Manyara National Park is ranked among the best places to see water birds in large numbers in Africa. It is well known for harboring thousands of flamingos. Lake Manyara National Park is also a habitat for many other water birds and other bird species including lesser flamingo, great white pelican, grey heron, yellow-billed stork, great white pelican, palm-nut vulture, and Ayre’s hawk eye among others Lake Manyara National Park is one of the only two destinations in Africa famously known for the tree-climbing lions. The other place that offers a high chance of spotting the predators is Queen Elizabeth National Park. Other mammals present in Lake Manyara National Park include the wildebeest, bushbuck, waterbuck, Cape buffalo, giraffe, elephants, and zebras among others.

Lake Manyara National Park provides a variety of things to do while on safari. They include; Game drives- ( chance to encounter tree-climbing lions) Walking safaris Bird watching Visiting the Maji Moto hot springs

Lake Manyara National Park is accessed by road. It is located about 126km from Arusha. You can enter the park through the southern or northern gate. Most travelers use the northern gate because that is where most accommodation facilities are situated. Planning to visit Tanzania for a safari to Lake Manyara National Park, we at Advent Travel Center will be more than happy to organize for you self drive safari or driver-guided tour. Simply simply contact us now by sending an email to or call us now on +254-713510387 to speak with the reservations team.

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